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Hi there!
Many thanx for e-mail that I recived. Here are my icons.
Sorry not all icons are included. Not all icons are finished, many icons are
under construction. You may be disapointed now, as this release misses even
few system icons. You will find almost all systen icons except of those that
Commodore originally placed in SYS:Utilities drawer. I did not use those
icons so they are under construction. Many application icons included here
are also not ready, but don´t worry be happy. I have included many icons so
install them and try to use. I plan to release update to my icon set, it
will be available in April (I am 100% sure). I will release them as soon as
it is possible, so You may expect it any day.
Icons are designed to use first 16 colours of WB palette. They are not
compatibile with MagicWB, and will look ugly with standard WB palette 8(.
The difference to MagicWB is that they are very colorfull. If you use Magic
WB You will have to remap them for my palette. It is possible because
palette that I use has a part that I call LightBrown Scale (first 8 colours
of my palette). Use for example Iconian and Brilliance:
[1] Make screen shot (use QuickGrab or sth. like this)
[2] Remap to my palette with a paint program (DPaint, Brilliance)
[3] Cut brushes form icons.
[4] Replace images with remapped brushes.
2. How to install
#1. Find a program that will allow you to set and lock first 16 colours of your
#2. Change WB screenmode to use HiRes mode (640x256) use PAL, NTSC, DBLPAL or
DBLNTSC. Note that yuo must use 32 colours screen or more!!!
#3. Set WB palette with standard prefs or just copy (recomended)
contents of drawer Prefs/ENVARC (from this archive) to your ENVARC:
(SYS:Prefs/Envarc).This drawer contains also default icons tool, disk,
project for your WB.
#4. Install your color-patching program (see #1).
If you have PatchPens:
- copy PatchPens to Your C: drawer
- Add to User-Startup folowing line:
- copy PensPrefs program to SYS:Prefs
- Reboot machine
- Start Prefs/PensPrefs program
- From project menu select "Open.." and select JBCpalette.iff (included in
this archive)
- Press save button.
- Your WB palette is ready
If you have other programm folow the installation instruction included with
it. To set pallette use JBCpallette.iff file or JBCpal_set.iff file.
#5. Copy my icons to your drawers
Note that some of icons contains tooltypes. If You replace Your icons to new
one, You will have to adjust it tooltypes.
#5 Contents:
-Drawer System contains all system icons copy its contents to your SYS:
-Drawer DiskIcons contains icons for your disk.
Example of installation: (replace App: with name of your partitions)
To use them delete disk.info
from your partition "App:" copy Apps_partition.info to your "App:",
rename App:Apps_partition.info to App:disk.info
follow this steps for each partition you want to.
To use RamDisk icon do this:
makedir SYS:RDIcon
copy RamDisk.info to this drawer
add to Your User-Startup line:
copy SYS:RDIcon/RamDisk.info to RAM:disk.info
Now your Ramdisk has my icon.
-Games drawer contains icons for games (see readme file in this drawers)
-Prefs contains ENVARC drawer (its contents should be copied to your
ENVARC: drawer.
-WBpatterns contains iff files to use as patterns with your WB
-Applications contains icons for many applications, it also contains icons
for drawer in wich you keep applications
-ToolManager_#? drawers contains ToolManager stuff (see ToolManager.ReadMe)
** If you have any problems with installation contact me! **
** jbuczani@novell.zarz.agh.edu.pl **
3. Copyrights
All icons (except of those mentioned in additional README files) are
designed by Jacek Buczaniewicz,
Copyright © Jacek Buczaniewicz, 1993-1995.
o You cannot include those icons in any commercial package without special
o If you want to include them, please contact me (dont worry no very high
o If you want me to create set of icons for your program, please contact me
(in this case I also do not expect you to pay me)
o If you have any sugestionc, please contact me.
o If you cannot find icon for application(s), you frequently use. E-mail me I
will pain it and it will be released in update as soon as possible.
Making those icons took me very long time to produce it. I have been
woorking on those icons for two years (THAT IS NOT A JOKE). You can spread
them ONLY IN THIS ARCHIVE and do not take any fee for them (except of
copying charge). This set is a SHAREWARE if you want me constantly to update
this icon set, please register the set. There is no constant fee for this
set. If you use this icons send me something (your programs, icons, etc.).
You can also send me money (How much- it depends from You). If I´ll have
many registred users I will constantly update this set with new icons.
Here are my adresses:
since Jully 1995:
Jacek Buczaniewicz,
ul.Wyb.Kosciuszki 36/17,
37-700 Przemysl,
till June 1995:
Jacek Buczaniewicz,
ul.Na Szaniec 6/32,
Files can be mailed to me via e-mail